
Mike Shinoda Multi-Talented Guy?


Shinoda´s Music Creation and Production

Mike Shinoda from Nu Metal band Linkin Park has a lot of success in music and he is a genius at what he does.
Shinoda was always connected to Art, he has been doing art his whole life and eventually did his best way into music.
He started to take serious interest in music in high school, taking piano classes and learning a lot of stuff about music.
Shinoda for me, is incredible in music production, he comes up with a lot of very solid and new musical ideas, and he is a truly perfectionist in everything that he does.
I really believe that in the future he will be a very important music producer as he is now as a musician.

Shinoda´s Art

But have you seen his art? His paintings?
They are unbelievable, for me his art is simply amazing, it´s kind like a mix of Japanese Anime, with abstract and surrealist influences, but what I like the most in his paintings are the dynamics,in one painting (Some Paintings), there is so many characters in it, and they are so different and each one has their own personality, basically the expression of the paintings is amazing.

Mike Shinoda´s Paintings

http://images.vinylpulse.com/vp_pics/gallery1988/shinoda/shinodaolalowres_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/109/301745045_5a02997889.jpg

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