
One Of My Poems.......

Poem "Turning Back".

My sadness body,
Who are you,
Where do you take me now,
I hope I get back,
Where I was created with love and life,
This life is a sick plant,
Ready to die at any moment,
Mom I prefer your insides,
Although they dont give me freedom,
They give me a hideout,
To think and cry,
Without you to listen,
Cause if you did,
You would be hurt as much as I am now,
Don´t tell me im lucky,
When I dont feel hapiness or affection,
I think its better to come back where I was made,
Too many years passed around here,
Every touch you give me now,
Can be love or can be hate,
Your selfish mind I can read,
I know every human is like that,
We just have to hide our hate and sadness,
Into our fragile structure,
So you felt the same way as I did,
Who knows?

By "Myself"

The Secret Of Stradivarious Violins Has Been Discovered

The chemistry is the key to the special sound from the violin made in the eighteenth century by the Italian Antonio Stradivarius, shows the latest edition of the British Journal Nature.

Among the various hypotheses to explain the peculiar sound of the instrument appeared one, according to which a special material would have been used in their manufacture.
Another hypothesis advanced indicated that the sunlight in the XVII and XVIII was lower, so that the trees grew less and its wood was more dense, which creates higher acoustical properties.
The study, conducted by experts at the University of Texas, in the United States, indicates that the wood used in these violins has been the subject of a chemical treatment in order to preserve the characteristics of the sound.
The oxidation and hydrolysis were the methods applied.
The research shows that the same chemical treatment was applied to Guarneri violins manufactured by the family of Cremona (Italy), which are considered almost as valuable as the Stradivarius.
To reach their conclusions, the researchers resorted to chips of wood withdrawals of five instruments that were being repaired.
We them a Stradivarius violin in 1717, a Stradivarius cello of 1731, a Guarnerius violin in 1741, another manufactured in Paris in the decade from 1840 by Ghent-Bernardel and a viola executed by Henry Jay in 1769, in London.
The comparison between the five instruments, was made through infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance, showed that in the manufacture of violins, had been used chemical treatments, something that is not registered on instruments from Paris and London.

Do You Really Like Art?

I was on the internet and I saw this image and it amazed me.
Because it symbolizes art itself, as being something abstract, inovative, and sometimes shoking.
Shoking doesnt mean specificaly something bad, because despite of the fact that the image is a girl on her intimate,
the position of the girl is very expressive and represents several emotions.
For me this image essencialy represents tentation in an artistic way.
I cannot describe better in my own words.
What do you think?

Guns´N´Roses, Worse or Better With New Lineup?

Today, I will talk about a theme that a lot of you guys are familiar with and that is Guns N Roses and their Old and New Line-up.
In my opinion I think Axl Rose was always the boss of that band,which is normal he has that unique voice that brought Guns N Roses to the Top, but the one thing that I don't like at all in Axl is his personality.
One thing is hearing and be familiar with the Band´s music and other completely different thing is like them as persons and as artists, in my point of view,I think nowadays some people, caught the majority, for how it sounds, and they only care about if the music sounds good, and don't really pay attention to their meaning.
The majority of the lyrics from Guns N Roses, are more to rock, but I prefer to say that they are classics and they have soul on its own way.
Guns don´t produce an Studio Album since 1993, and the main reason for that fact is the conflict that happened with Axl and their band members.
I admit a Axl has a good voice, like I said before, but I think he is the kind of guy, who thinks he is the best and has a huge ego.
I always thought sooner or later Guns N Roses would split up because, for example Slash and Axl, are two completely different musicians, in terms of character.
But I think due to the fact that I mentioned, that Axl is the front man of the band, makes him the guy who has the knife and cheese in hands, if you know what I mean.
And I think it´s a little bit weird that every member left the band.
It´s usual in bands one guy leaves not the whole team, and this one proves that the relation between the band members with Axl was very complicated.
I think Axl´s only worrie, was to maintain Guns N Roses, and the popularity that was already created.
A while after the departure of the original members, Guns N Roses reborn with a new line up of musicians carefully choosed by Axl.
I think Guns N Roses new line-up has good musicians no doubt about that, but do they really had the fire of the previously members? I dont think so.
They can make all the shows that they want, and play the music just for Axl to sing, but they will never have what is needed.
I think they should rename the band and call them Axl´s Band, or something else, but not Guns N Roses, and if Axl had respect for the other members he would ended the band,
and started one all over again, with those guys that are at the moment in the band, cause Guns N Roses are a Whole, not a Individual.
They can make other record, I hope that is great, but It´s not a Guns N Roses album, is a Axl Rose Album.
Opinions can divide, like I heard once that new members would bring new qualities to the band, but I don't agree, I prefer the Classic Old School Members.
And to finish I think its a little bit stupid, that Axl is being working on an Album since 1994 and the follow release date should be in 2012, I don't know what is his idea, but it´s not normal an artist be working in an album for 18 years, but that's cool, lets wait to see how it sounds like after so many time working on it.

"Myself" Top 10 Grunge

Just a Top 10 about my Taste in Grunge Genre.

1.Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit

2.Alice In Chains-Would

3.Stone Temple Pilots-Plush

4.Pearl Jam-Jeremy

5.L7-Pretend We´re Dead

6.Soundgarden-Black Hole Sun

7.Temple of the Dog-Hungerstrike

8.Nirvana-Heart-Shaped Box

9.Stone Temple Pilots-Creep

10.Smashing Pumpkins-Today

Hope You Liked My Grunge Selection!

Amy Winehouse in Time for Grammy´s?


Amy Winnehouse is nominated for 6 Grammys, and i think she is one of the best female vocalists, cause for me music is all about heart and soul.
She has recently admitted that she is consuming drugs, but she admitted also that she is not taking as much as she used to take, and that will determine her presence in the Grammys, cause she has to be clean in order enter in the U.S. territory.
She is an unbelievable singer, and I am praying for her to get clean in time, to receive the Grammys.

Wes Borland Personal Opinion and Black Light Burns New Album "Cruel Melody"


Today, I´m talking about of one of my favorite and greatest artists.
His appearance, his style, his guitar riffs, his musical concepts makes me astonished everytime it´s experienced.
Wes as we all know, she is former Limp Bizkit guitarist, and the main reason he left the and was due to the musical differences.
I´ll explain, Wes state of art in music is completely different from the other guys in Limp Bizkit, specially Fred Durst.
Fred Durst can have all the money in the world, but what he is doing to the music is a crime, he prepackaging music, his main goal is selling and only make money.
I know a lot of people like Fred Durst, and i don't blame them for that, I think everyone should be free to make their musical choices, but for me he is not an artist.
After Wes left Limp Bizkit for the second time, he started to working on his new album "Cruel Melody", with his new band Black Light Burns and at that time, when their album was still in progress, in an interview he stated that this album was the most exitinting thing he had ever done, and that the songs were not too avangardist, they were well structured songs.
With this interview, at that time just made me feel so ancious, cause i just wanted to listen the album right there.
When the album came out, I really enjoyed the songs, and it´s something completely new that enjoyed listening too.
Tell me what you think about Wes Borland, and leave a comment with your opinion.

The Music Video from Black Light Burns "Lie".

Simple, Affordable, Good Quality Home Studio With Presonus Firebox

These days there is so many options for who wants to buy a home studio,
there is products that are affordable, good quality sounding and pratical for the ones with less space.
One of the Interfaces for a Home studio that has all those aspects is the Presonus Firebox featuring:

24 Bit-96 Khz for great recordings

6 Inputs

10 Outputs

And with Presonus Firebox you can work in your room or any part of the house because its small.
It´s great when it comes to record vocals in a quiet room of the house, cause if you had a rack mounted in your room you just had to wait for periods to record vocals, so with this one you can go anywhere.
You can get good guitar recordings due to the 24 Bit-96 Khz converts, I suggest you to use a amp software that can be downloaded for Cubase or Sonar.
You can plug your Keyboard, and make great samples out of this interface.
You can connect monitors to the Interface too.
I have a friend of mine that bought this Interface and he is very satisfied with the results that he got so far,making all the stuff that I told.

I got here a Sample Hook-Up Diagram where you can get a better idea of what this thing can support.


Second Life Versatility


Second Life gives a new hole experience based on real life activities, and when the game came out I saw on a magazine this "Game" and the magazine said that was a similar to real life and we could experience a whole new bunch of things, interact with other people and explore the world flying or using transportation, play games, but what caught my attention was the Real Time Live Shows and Art Galleries.
I quickly joined Second Life, and I got to see a lot of live shows, and I saw that this was a perfect way to get to know other talented artists, and almost feel the emotion of a live show.
What really surprised me is that some artist had already a large fan base and merchandising.
This were I realized, "This is the real deal, this almost seem like real life".
And until now I met some very talented and cool artists that seem quite sure of what they want and they really work hard in Second Life to book shows and make money with it, most of them to pay local recording studios to record their music demos to send in the future to Labels.
I went to investigate and see Art Galleries in Second Life and I was amazed, as well.
There is a lot of Art Galleries open, but most of them open for a period of time, just like real life.
Some artists work very hard in order to satisfie freely who ever comes to see their creations, and I really see the dedication of these artists and their effort working every day to get better and better and that's their main goal, I met some artists that I could feel precisely that.
And they give the possibility without leaving home to see those fabulous paintings.
In conclusion, Second Life is very versatile when it comes to show to the world new talented artists, and for us to have the privilege to see, listen or interact with them.

"Early Age Musical Genius Signs" how does that happen?

I saw an article on the Web talking about Early Age Musical Genius Signs and this two topics below really teach someone about, how precisely that happen.

Perfect pitch

In the meantime, the most convincing evidence of musical genes comes from the finding that at least one critical musical talent is inheritable: perfect pitch. That's the ability to identify the pitch of tones in the absence of a reference pitch.

Scientists at the University of California at San Francisco found in one study in the late 1990s that people with perfect pitch were four times more likely than those without the ability to be related to someone else with perfect pitch. The researchers also have concluded that both early musical training and genetic predisposition go into the development of perfect pitch.

That finding makes sense to psychologist David T. Lykken of the University of Minnesota, author of Genius and the Mind: Studies of Creativity and Temperament in the Historical Record. He points out that focused effort is a hallmark of work produced by people we think of as geniuses.

"There are psychologists who think genius is extraordinary application, and if there is anything genetic about it, it is motivational," he says. "But I think there's more to it than that; it is a mixture, a group nation of attributes, some of them specific to the subject."

Specialized brain modules

Lykken describes the brain as containing specialized "modules" that control areas such as language and music.

"I think that, assuredly, people like Beethoven and other musical geniuses have some of these modules that make them able to do the kind of wonderful things that are required to create this sort of material," he says. "All cases of genius involve not just one or two specific talents, but a combination. To be a Beethoven or a Mozart, you can't just have a module that enables you to play the piano backwards. You must, in addition, have other genetically determined characteristics, including a wonderful ability to focus your attention."

The idea of modular intelligence contradicts the assumption that every brain can be assessed with a single I.Q., or intelligence quotient. I.Q. tests compare a person's general ability to solve problems and understand concepts with that of the general population. The scoring uses a standardized scale with a median of 100. A score between 90 and 110 indicates average intelligence. A score above 130 indicates high intelligence, and a score below 75 may indicate retardation

The notion of modular intelligence could help explain the extraordinary abilities of so-called savants in fields such as mathematics or music. Take the well-known example of "Blind Tom," a slave child born with neurological defects in the 1850s. Tom was unable to speak until he was five or six years old, but from the age of four he could play the piano beautifully.

He was tested at age 11 by musicologists, according to psychologist Oliver Sacks' account in An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales. Someone played for the child two new compositions, 13 and 20 pages in length. The little boy reproduced them perfectly, and like Mozart, he could play the piano with his back to the keyboard.

Lykken calls the quest to identify the genetics of musical genius "fascinating." But, he adds, "There are many traits that define genius. I think it will be a long time before anyone maps the way it all works."

From DNA Sciences, Inc.

Mike Shinoda Multi-Talented Guy?


Shinoda´s Music Creation and Production

Mike Shinoda from Nu Metal band Linkin Park has a lot of success in music and he is a genius at what he does.
Shinoda was always connected to Art, he has been doing art his whole life and eventually did his best way into music.
He started to take serious interest in music in high school, taking piano classes and learning a lot of stuff about music.
Shinoda for me, is incredible in music production, he comes up with a lot of very solid and new musical ideas, and he is a truly perfectionist in everything that he does.
I really believe that in the future he will be a very important music producer as he is now as a musician.

Shinoda´s Art

But have you seen his art? His paintings?
They are unbelievable, for me his art is simply amazing, it´s kind like a mix of Japanese Anime, with abstract and surrealist influences, but what I like the most in his paintings are the dynamics,in one painting (Some Paintings), there is so many characters in it, and they are so different and each one has their own personality, basically the expression of the paintings is amazing.

Mike Shinoda´s Paintings

http://images.vinylpulse.com/vp_pics/gallery1988/shinoda/shinodaolalowres_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/109/301745045_5a02997889.jpg

First Electric Guitar Patent

What if electric guitars didn´t exist, how did the music would be without them, that's the question that I put out here.
They were essential for the development of almost every musical genre.
They made us cry of emotions, made us rock, the electric guitar has one gave us joy and happiness.
It´s a hard instrument to learn when we are talking about performing guitar solos, but its easy to use for who just wants to play a couple of guitar chords.
It´s not very expensive nowadays, but when it was invented it was rare and expensive.
It will continue their evolution as she has made until now, modifying and making a lot of artist creating new music, and this will happen for the rest of years.

"If Music Dies, The Electric Guitar Goes With Her."

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